This page is to fulfill my EMBA course at UiTM Shah Alam

Saturday, 19 October 2013

My First Experience Blogging

If it was not due to MIS750 assignment for us to create our own blog, I believe I won't be seating here cracking my head to learn and explore this fantastic "new system" of which I always hear about - blogs and blogger.
Even in my work nature in a Corporate Communication Department, of which we have to looks for all this blogs.. It has never come into my mind for me to become a "Blogger".

Well today, on this remarkable day, 20th October 2013.. I am officially a BLOGGER!!!

Thanks Dr. Norzaidi for giving me the chance to learn new things everyday :)

Please find this special video... the Hi-tech of "Glass Technology".. everytime I hear about touch screen and  LCD tv it will always remind me of my MIS750 Prof..


So here I am... bak pantun melayu :
Buah cempedak di luar pagar
Ambik galah tolong jolokan
Saya budak baru belajar
Apa salah tolong ajarkan

 I guess now I will need to learn how to change this "boring" font...